Item YMS transforms the complexity of yard operations into a streamlined, user-friendly experience. With its advanced, fully integrated functions, managing your yard becomes efficient and effortless.
INDUSTRY-LEADING Yard management
Yard management that you can trust.
Accelerated Check-in
Streamline your gate check-in process with our advanced pre-check-in feature, available directly on a driver’s phone. This innovative approach accelerates gate entry by using pre-filled information, significantly reducing wait times. Additionally, our system offers intuitive self-check-in on iPads, allowing drivers to expedite their entry process, which helps reduce queues and minimize human errors. Incorporating OCR technology, our solution efficiently captures equipment information on the move, cutting down on manual data entry and enhancing data accuracy. Furthermore, a single gate check-in seamlessly adds inbound information to both your Yard Management System (YMS) and Warehouse Management System (WMS), ensuring a smooth and efficient integration of information across your logistics operations.
Simplified Yard Management
Optimize your logistics operations with our automated dock assignment system, streamlining the process for increased efficiency. This feature allows for the creation and direct dispatch of shuttle tasks to your drivers, ensuring timely and organized transportation. Additionally, our system provides robust management capabilities for your yard equipment, maintaining an orderly and efficient yard environment and enhancing overall operational productivity.
Data Driven Decision Making
Empower your yard operations with real-time analytics, enabling you to make informed decisions, forecast potential bottlenecks, and optimize workflow. Our system also allows you to generate detailed reports, providing valuable insights into various aspects of yard efficiency. These insights include dwell times, equipment utilization, and more, all contributing to driving continuous improvement and enhancing the overall effectiveness of your operations.
Improved Security
Enhance security and operational efficiency with our advanced pre-check-in feature on a driver’s phone, which incorporates sophisticated authentication methods to reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Additionally, our integrated blacklist functionality ensures that banned drivers are effectively kept out of your yard. To further streamline gate operations, appointment data from the Warehouse Management System (WMS) is utilized to instruct the gate on whether to admit inbound traffic, advise drivers to return later, or assist them in rescheduling missed appointments, thereby maintaining order and efficiency at your yard's entry points.
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